Examen diagnostique des hypersensibilités alimentaires | Diagnostisch onderzoek bij voedselovergevoeligheden
You will find here below recommandations on diagnostic testing for food hypersensitivities.
Opinion Paper - The new, race-free, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Consortium (CKD-EPI) equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate: is it applicable in Europe? A position statement by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
Pierre Delanaye, Elke Schaeffner, Mario Cozzolino, Michel Langlois, Mario Plebani, Tomris Ozben and Etienne Cavalier*, on behalf of the Board members of the EFLM Task Group Chronic Kidney Diseases

New In Vitro Medical Device Regulation (IVDR)
Below you can find the link to the Belgian IVDR law (read pages 37 to 67)

Comparison of the quantitative DiaSorin Liaison antigen test to RT-PCR for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in symptomatic and asymptomatic outpatients
Stefanie Lefever, Christophe Indevuyst, Lize Cuypers, Klaas Dewaele, Nicolas Yin, Frédéric Cotton, Elizaveta Padalko, Matthijs Oyaert, Julie Descy, Etienne Cavalier, Marc Van Ranst, Emmanuel André, Katrien Lagrou, Pieter Vermeersch; On behalf of the Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine

Wat valt er te leren uit de aanbevelingen van de European Society of Cardiology en de European Atherosclerosis Society (2019) over de behandeling van dyslipidemieën ter preventie van cardiovasculaire ziekten ?

Que retenir des recommandations de la Société Européenne de Cardiologie et de la Société Européenne d’Athérosclérose (2019) sur le traitement des dyslipidémies pour la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires ?

New goals of LDL-cholesterol and non-HDL-cholesterol

EFLM/IFCC guidelines
By clicking on the button below, you can find publications produced by EFLM functional units for scientific and educational purposes.
More informationOther Guidelines
EFLM database on biological variation
The EFLM is delighted to announce the launch of the new database for biological variation. Thisdatabase, produced by the EFLM WG “Biological Variation” and the EFLM TG “Biological Variation Database” was launched at the EuroMedLab Congress in Barcelona. The Ricos-Westgard database is now outdated and replaced by this new EFLM official database.
More informationQuantifying atherogenic lipoproteins for lipid-lowering strategies: consensus-based recommendations from EAS and EFLM
Michel R. Langlois, Børge G. Nordestgaard, Anne Langsted, M. John Chapman, Kristin M. Aakre, Hannsjörg Baum, Jan Borén, Eric Bruckert, Alberico Catapano, Christa Cobbaert, Paul Collinson, Olivier S. Descamps, Christopher J. Duff, Arnold von Eckardstein, Angelika Hammerer-Lercher, Pia R. Kamstrup, Genovefa Kolovou, Florian Kronenberg, Samia Mora, Kari Pulkki, Alan T. Remaley, Nader Rifai, Emilio Ros, Sanja Stankovic, Ana Stavljenic-Rukavina, Grazyna Sypniewska, Gerald F. Watts, Olov Wiklund and Päivi Laitinen, for the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) and the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Joint Consensus Initiative

A Belgian consensus strategy to identify familial hypercholesterolaemia in the coronary care unit and its subsequent cascade screening and treatment: BEL-FaHST (The BELgium Familial Hypercholesterolaemia STrategy)
O. S. Descamps, O. Van Caenegem, M. P. Hermans, J.-L. Balligand, C. Beauloye, A. Bondue, S. Carlier, E. Castermans, F. Chenot, M. Claeys, C. De Block, A. de Leener, A. De Meester, F. Demeure, H. De Raedt, W. Desmet, I. Elegeert, M. Guillaume, E. Hoffer, R. Kacenelenbogen, P. Lancellotti, M. Langlois, A. Leone, A. Mertens, N. Paquot, O. Vanakker, J.-L. Vanoverschelde, A. Verhaegen, P. Vermeersch, C. Wallemacq, E. Rietzschel

The 2019 Flemish consensus on screening for overt diabetes in early pregnancy and screening for gestational diabetes mellitus
K. Benhalima, C. Minschart, P. Van Crombrugge, P. Calewaert, J. Verhaeghe, S. Vandamme, K. Theetaert, R. Devlieger, L. Pierssens, H. Ryckeghem, E. Dufraimont, C. Vercammen, A. Debie, C. De Block, G. Vandenberghe, S. Van Imschoot, S. Verstraete, L. Buyse, J. Wens, J. Muyldermans, A. Meskal, S. De Spiegeleer and C. Mathieu